Kwik Kik Speedball Platform - w/o ball - any ball will fit - "A Punching Bag for Your Feet" Soccer Training Equipment Review
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Kwik Kik Speedball Platform - w/o ball - any ball will fit - "A Punching Bag for Your Feet" Soccer Training Equipment Feature
- Improved Agility - Fine Ball Control - Endurance
- Quick Foot Reaction - Balance & Timing
- Strengthens Ankles and Legs - Flexibility & Conditioning
- Peripheral Vision - Eye Foot Coordination - Cardiovascular Conditioning
- - Cardiovascular Conditioning
The Kwik Kik Speedball is a great training aid for any sport that takes coordination particularly soccer players & enthusiasts at any level. It works just like a punching bag for your feet. Concentrated - so the time spent on the Kwik Kik is equal to a much longer time doing other drills. This simple exercise develops many skills at the same time. Proper body positioning is necessary as your skill level improves while mastering more difficult skills. Unlike other training aids - no bad habits are developed using the Kwik Kik Speedball. So many of the skills learned are transferred directly to the game.
Just as a speed bag develops the hands and arms of a boxer, the Kwik Kik Speed Ball develops the feet and legs of a Soccer player!
Develops Muscle Memory!
Use of the Kwik Kik Speed Ball will develop and strengthen muscles in unusual places - muscles that are required for many Soccer (and other athletic) moves. The Kwik Kik Equipment's - Speed Ball training device is a concentrated exercise. Just a few minutes daily will increase stamina, develop peripheral vision, use of both feet, and most of all confidence. Your feet and ankles will become tougher and less prone to injury. Every skill developed by the upper body will be built on the foundation of good eye-foot coordination. Aerobically it's as good as jumping rope but with the added benefits:
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Dec 26, 2011 01:51:09
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